Woodlupine Brook Living Stream Design

Woodlupine Brook Living Stream Design

The Shire of Kalamunda is upgrading part of Woodlupine Brook to a living stream. The section of the Brook is located between Hardley and Sheffield Roads in Wattle Grove, Perth, Western Australia. The Brook here is currently a steep sided drain with numerous concrete drop structures.

Considerable commercial and residential development is occurring along both sides of the Brook. There is a general interest from the community in improving the amenity of the streamline and surrounding parkland. Improving connectivity between residential areas to the north of the Brook and the retail and commercial area to the south is also desirable.

The works are part of a Shire of Kalamunda project termed “The Cell Nine Project”. Developer contributions for the estate funded the project. Works as part of the Cell Nine Project include:

  • Conversion of the drain to a living stream;
  • Construction of a new pedestrian bridge; and
  • Extension of Wimbridge Road, including a crossing over Woodlupine Brook and connecting roadworks.

A playground and landscaping just downstream of this project’s area was completed by 2016. Other parts of the Brook have been upgraded previously as well.

Work on Stage 2 of the upgrade has been completed. The Wimbridge Road works and the new pedestrian bridge have been constructed. Upgrade of the drain to a living stream from the existing playground up to the new pedestrian bridge has recently been completed. Stage 3 is expected to be undertaken in 2019/2020.


Syrinx Environmental Pty Ltd and the City of Kalamunda

Our work

Hydrologia provided hydraulic modelling support for design work on the living stream and footbridge. We have been assisting Syrinx Environmental, who are the design consultants for the project.

Our work has involved modelling water level, flood extent and flow condition for a range of events ranging from baseflow to the 1% AEP flood event. We characterised a range of design scenarios and project staging.

The one-dimensional DHI Mike Hydro River software was used.


Our deliverables involved:

  • Presenting modelling results, in a range of formats;
  • Contribution to the design process; and
  • Documenting modelling methodologies and results.

Delivery included presenting water level and flood extent modelling results in a format that was suitable for a diverse design team, including landscape architects, civil designers and regulators.

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