ARR testing

ARR testing

Australian Rainfall and Runoff (ARR) is a national guideline document, data and software suite that can be used for the estimation of design flood characteristics in Australia.

The document Australian Rainfall and Runoff was first published by Engineers Australia in 1958. It  has since become an essential guidance document for the practice of hydrology in Australia. The last major upgrade was in 1987.

The National Committee on Water Engineering, Engineers Australia, in conjunction with Geoscience Australia updated the document in 2016. The update included revision of the document, update of design information with new data and methods and development of new tools. The new guidelines, tools and data are available on the ARR project website.

The ARR revision project occurred over a number of years. The project contracted a number of industry practitioners to develop and test the tools and techniques.


Engineers Australia

Our work

We have been involved in testing a range of tools and advising results of the testing as a series of short reports.

The tools and techniques tested include baseflow analysis, regional peak discharge calculators, urban design and hydrology and joint probability of flooding with sea level. Assistance has also been given in packaging data and refining testing methodologies.
The tests have been undertaken using data observed on a number of catchments across Australia.


Deliverables for this project were a series of reports documenting the results of the testing. The test results were compiled with other studies and used in the formulation of procedures and documentation for the Australia Rainfall and Runoff document.

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